


Why Should You Buy Data Tapes For Storing Data?

These days businesses are more data-driven making data the lifeblood of the organizations. By using the data of your customers, you can better customize your products and services according to their needs. Companies also leverage data to improve their presence on digital platforms and user experience. Data has become an important asset for organizations and it needs to be protected at any cost. There are many methods used for this purpose like disk backup, cloud backup and tape- based.

Buy data tapes in Dubai

Why Should You Buy Data Tapes For Storing, you will get to know why tape-based is emerging again even when cloud technology will wipe it out? As there is a saying "there is nothing

new under the sun". We will focus on the effectiveness of the best data tapes for data protection satisfying the growing business needs.

Superior Portability:

One of the key benefits for the users of cloud-based storage choosing it over tape storage is portability. People say the benefit is the access to information anywhere in the world just by a log in on your phone. But one biggest services upon which this portability is highly dependent is stable network coverage in the area. Thus, many times you would be beached in remote areas.

You can move the tapes to any location as their portability is not dependent upon the internet presence and you can enjoy unlimited data access. Also when transferring cloud-based data to a new off-site location it requires higher bandwidths. While with data tapes you don't have to think about recovery, they are a reliable medium for moving data. The availability of data tapes is also really easy, in this digital world there is always an option for online data tapes.

Better Capacity:

In contrast to the popular belief of many business owners, tapes have larger data storage space when compared to immense cloud storage. For example A single Tape-Open, the cartridge can store around 6.25 terabytes of data. And more than 6 petabytes of the data can be stored in less than 14 square feet of the floor space. This is very efficient for businesses.


Why Should You Buy Data Tapes For Storing

Another reason for the comeback of data tapes is reliability. For example, they are less susceptible to errors when compared to the disks. Also, another advantage is their immunity to attacks like viruses. Thus, providing better reliability along with the long access to the data.

Faster Performance:

It is even feasible to retrieve data from the data tapes in seconds or in minutes against popular belief. It is also convenient to transfer more than 1 terabyte in one hour from a single tape.


While backing up data one of the must requirements is longevity so that we can access our data in future. There might be people convinced of the superiority of disks over tapes in this term, but in reality, tapes will serve longer. Tapes are a choice for many companies because of their better longevity.


Data tapes are more dependable than disks that is why companies choose them. Best data tapes will keep the data safe even for decades. Just the condition is you have to protect them against weather conditions like extreme humidity and temperatures.

Easy Storage:

One of the greatest features of data tapes that are making their comeback possible is easier storage. Organizations can use cartridges like LTO-6 for the backup of their important corporate data. They don't have to dedicate big rooms for the storage of server hardware. There is no need for the arrangement of storage space.

Lower Overall Cost:

Earlier smaller businesses thought that tapes would dry them up of money. But now companies are learning better, they are realizing the return on investment for the tapes is high. They understand their benefits and that the costs are justified, also they are much more affordable in the long run if you think carefully. For instance, the cost of data storage of 1-gigabyte data is just 1 cent. According to some studies tapes also consume less power along with less heat generation than disks which also reduces their overall cost further.

Better Security:

For years tapes have been considered the most insecure medium for data storage. It is believed that it can be easily stolen by the thieves, and cloud storage has been portrayed as a much more secure backup option. But now companies are realizing that both the approaches are equally safe. Though cloud storage can be safer for physical attacks, there is always the risk of hacker attacks. With the tapes you always have an option of hacker safety. Therefore, both the options are complementary to each other.


Many businesses are realizing the scalable nature of tapes. Earlier, it was easy to convince many small vendors that only cloud storages have the option of scalability. But the benefit is also provided in the modern data tapes allowing the scaling according to the changing needs. You can always increase and decrease it depending on your requirements.


Last but not least is the need for compatibility, business owners are always looking for better compatibility options. Nowadays the tapes available are backward compatible. Major software

Final Words:

Now you must have realized the benefits of best IT and electronic store in Dubai that data tapes bring in terms of efficiency and cost to your organization. No matter how dated tapes may seem, they are here to stay. If you are also looking to incorporate tapes as your backup option and buy data tapes, you can always ask for data storage consultation from trusted services. We at SNNDubai cater to the IT needs of businesses around the world. We are the supplier of all kinds of IT goods including laptops, printers, tape drives, gaming Data tapes, and many more. At last, if you want to make the best out of your backup investments you should definitely choose tapes as one of your backup options.